
Conversion of part of existing barn to residential annexe Wengen, Church Lane, Braishfield Status:  Permission subject to conditions and notes Consultation expiry:  14/1/16 Braishfield Parish Council response:  TVBC1503064fulls


Demolition of existing stables, construction of new garage, garden store and gym/study Manor Cottage, Farley Lane, Braishfield SO51 0BS Status:  Permission Subject to conditions and notes Braishfield Parish Council response:  TVBC1503128fulls


Land Off Braishfield Road Braishfield Romsey Hampshire SO51 0QE Modification of Planning Obligation on 13/02778/FULLS to change tenure and allow two affordable rental properties to become shared ownership Consultation expiry date:  not available View the application on Test Valley Borough website here Braishfield Parish Council response:  TVBC1502921obls Test Valley Borough Council decision:  MODIFY planning obligation


Construction of dwelling with parking 1 Common Hill Road Original Consultation Expiry:  15/12/15 Consultation Expiry for revision:  22/4/16 (Amended layout and design) Test Valley Borough Council Decision: PERMISSION subject to conditions & notes Braishfield Parish Council response:  TVBC1502515fulls


T1-T9 crown lift to 6m to clear overhanging branches Braishfield Recreation Ground Consultation Expiry Date: 9/12/15 Status: no objection Braishfield Parish Council response:  TVBC1502772fulls


Temporary log cabin for a rural worker Pucknall Farm, Dores Lane Consultation Expiry Date: 1/12/15 Status:  Permission subject to conditions and notes Braishfield Parish Council response:  TVBC1502794fulls

Test Valley Borough Council Meetings December 2015

TEST VALLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL CALENDAR OF MEETINGS – DECEMBER 2015 Date Meeting Time Venue Dec 1 Tuesday PCC Viewing Panel PM tbc 1 Tuesday Planning Control Committee 5.30 pm Romsey 2 Wednesday Overview & Scrutiny Committee 5.30 pm Romsey * Council Tax Support Panel A Competitive Local Economy Schedule and questioning for overview of Portfolios…


T1 T2 T3 Weeping Willows – Re-pollard back to original pollard points. T4 Feild Maple – Reduce by 50%. T5 Maple – Fell. T6 Oak – Prune back by up to 30% to original pruning points and crown lift on neighbours side up to 4m. T7 Wych Elm – Reduce overhanging by up to 3m…


Outline application for conversion of former public house to a residential dwelling and construction of two new dwellings Newport Inn Newport Lane Braishfield Romsey Hampshire SO51 0PL Status: No objection Expiry Date:  Fri 13 Nov 2015 Braishfield Parish Council response:  TVBC15002516outs


Outline application for conversion of former public house to a residential dwelling and construction of two new dwellings with extended gardens Newport Inn Newport Lane Braishfield Hampshire SO51 0PL Status: No objection Expiry Date: Tue 10 Nov 2015 Braishfield Parish Council response:  TVBC15002517outs