
Raise chimney outlet, Sharpes Cottage Lower Street Braishfield Romsey Hampshire SO51 0PH Braishfield Parish Council Comment:  No Comment (read it here) Statutory Expiry Date:  18 May 2016   Test Valley Borough Council Decision:  Consent subject to conditions and notes


Outline – Erection of 46 dwellings, with associated open space and landscaping, including details of the proposed access onto Braishfield Road Abbotsford Braishfield Road Romsey Hampshire SO51 0PB Status:  Pending Consideration Consultation Expiry:  27/01/2016 Braishfield Parish Council response:  TVBC1503137outs Test Valley Borough Council Decision:  REFUSE


T1 Ash – Crown Lift to 5m by removing 6 branches. Boares Garden Braishfield Road Braishfield Romsey Hampshire SO51 0PQ Status:  No Objection Braishfield Parish Council response:  no response submitted


Tree A – Fell 2 of 4 Salic Fraqulis. Tree B – Fell 3 of 4 False Acacia. Tree C – Fell Dragon Claw. Tree D – Fell Silver Birch. Tree E – Crown reduce to 2.5m, reduce north and south branches to 3m, reduce east and west branches to trunk. Tree F – Crown…


T1 Oak – Reduce large limb back to second growth point. T2 Ash – Fell to 3/4 stump. T3 Field maple – Fell to 3/4 Stump. T4 Chestnut – Crown reduce by up to 2.5m and raise to 4m Colsons Barn Church Lane Braishfield Romsey Hampshire SO51 0QH Status:  No Objection Braishfield Parish Council response:…


Single storey side extension to provide additional living space Deal Cottage, Newport Lane, Braishfield SO51 0PL Status:  Permission subject to conditions and notes Braishfield Parish Council response:  TVBC1600098fulls    

Consultation: draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople

  Test Valley Borough Council is publishing its draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople for public consultation. “The Council has a responsibility to plan for the housing needs of all residents, including the Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople community. This is proposed to be undertaken through a Development Plan Document which…


Variation of condition 12 (hours of operation for HCV’s) and condition 22 (HCV movements) of Appeal Decision APP/Q1770/A/11/2161324 RFSF Recycling, Bunny Lane, Timsbury Hampshire SO51 0PG Status:  pending consideration Consultation expiry:  tbc Braishfield Parish Council response:  HCC1503107cmas