About the Council

There are seven seats on the Parish Council.

The Council is a corporate body (a legal entity separate from its Members) which means that any action or decision is made by the Council as a whole.


Chairman of the Parish Council
Vice Chairman of the Planning Committee

tel: 01794 368109

I have lived in Braishfield since 1983.  I enjoy being part of the community and have been involved with various organisations both in the village and beyond. I retired in April 2016 after 40 years in the Civil Service.  I was co-opted to serve as a Councillor in September 2016 and appointed Chairman in 2018.


Burial Ground
Community Resilience Plan
Recreation Ground / Trees


Chairman of the Planning Committee

tel: 01794 368414

I moved into the hamlet of Pucknall with my wife and 3 children in 1981 and have been involved in many aspects of village life. I have taken part in a number of BMADS productions, hosted/MC village events and organised a charity Barn Dance for a number of years. Apart from now being a Parish Councillor since 2014, I chaired the Village Hall Committee for 7 years in which time we started the shop. I founded and now organise the Village Golf Society and have managed the church mowing rota for the last 15+ years.


Burial Ground
Flags/ War Memorial
Neighbourhood Development Plan/106 Monies


Vice Chairman of the Parish Council

tel: 01794 368516

I moved with Meri to our current house in Braishfield in 1985. After retiring in 2010 from a career in education, I wanted to give something back to the village that we have enjoyed living in for so many years – hence my involvement in both the Parish Council and Village Hall.


Agriculture / Farming Liaison
Budgeting / Internal Financial Checks
Rights of Way / Stiles
Speed Limits / Traffic


I moved to Hampshire from Manchester in 1992. and was fortunate enough to have travelled to some amazing  places. I value the countryside, being close to nature and embracing the natural beauty that surrounds us. Braishfield offers a supportive community that values unity and togetherness. I am passionate about being part of Braishfield community and offering my support and dedication to the Village.


Recreation Ground / Play Area




tel: 07834 812469

I moved to Hampshire from Kent with my family in 1997. My wife and I brought up our children in the parish of Ampfield before moving to Braishfield in 2012 where we have lived and worked ever since. As a family we have always valued the access to countryside and woodlands that the area has to offer and have come to know it well. From the start we found Braishfield to be a beautiful and welcoming village and I am happy to do my bit to keep it that way.


Climate Change



tel: 07783821561

I have lived in Braishfield with my husband and son since 2012. Our son attended Braishfield Primary School. I was brought up in Yorkshire, but have been fortunate to live and work all over the world before making Hampshire and Braishfield my home. We settled here because of the green and open spaces – long may it continue!

I was honoured to be elected as the Borough Councillor for Ampfield and Braishfield (including parts of Michelmersh and Timsbury) in May 2023 after having also served on the parish council for four years. I love serving our wonderful community.


Recreation Ground / Play Area

Climate Change


Clerk to the Council

tel: 07902 297004

General enquiries should be sent to the Clerk in the first instance.



Community Resilience Plan