Following the close of every financial year, we prepare an Annual Return. Within the Annual Return are:
- End of year accounts
- Annual Governance Statement
- Internal audit report
Since 2015, the following information is also included:
- bank reconciliation
- explanation of any significant variances (e.g. more than 10-15 percent) in the statement of accounts for the relevant year and previous year explanation of any differences between ‘balances carried forward’ and ‘total cash and short term investments’, if applicable
Up to the year ending 31 March 2017, Annual Returns were subject to a limited assurance review by an external auditor.
From 1st April 2017, Braishfield Parish Council has been eligible to certify that it is exempt from the requirement for a limited assurance review (although an auditor will be available to deal with any question or objection made by an elector to the accounts). This is due to a change in the law through the introduction of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014.