Braishfield Parish Council meets once a month, usually on the first Tuesday of the month, at 7:00pm in Braishfield Village Hall. Occasionally, the meeting date may be moved or an extra meeting may be added to deal with any matters of urgency. Any changes or additional meetings are notified – including here on this site.
Date | Meeting | Time |
Tuesday 5th January 2016 | Ordinary Meeting | 7:00 pm |
Tuesday 2nd February 2016 | Ordinary Meeting | 7:00 pm |
Tuesday 1st March 2016 | Ordinary Meeting | 7:00 pm |
Tuesday 5th April 2016 | Ordinary Meeting | 7:00pm |
Tuesday 3rd May 2016 | Annual Meeting of Parish Council | 6:30 pm |
Tuesday 3rd May 2016 | Annual Parish Assembly | 8:00 pm |
Tuesday 7th June 2016 | Ordinary Meeting | 7:00 pm |
Tuesday 5th July 2016 | Ordinary Meeting | 7:00 pm |
August 2016 | - no meeting - | |
Tuesday 6th September 2016 | Ordinary Meeting | 7:00pm |
Tuesday 4th October 2016 | Ordinary Meeting | 7:00 pm |
Tuesday 1st November 2016 | Ordinary Meeting | 7:00 pm |
Tuesday 6th December 2016 | Ordinary Meeting | 7:00 pm |
Tuesday 3rd January 2017 | Ordinary Meeting | 7:00 pm |
Tuesday 7th February 2017 | Ordinary Meeting | 7:00 pm |
All meetings are held in the Committee Room of
Braishfield Village Hall
Braishfield Road
SO51 0PN
A Notice of the Meeting and Agenda will be published on the Recreation Ground notice board and on the website of the Parish Council at least 3 clear days prior to the meeting.
Every meeting of the council is immediately followed by a Meeting of Braishfield War Memorial and a Meeting of Braishfield Recreation Ground, held by Braishfield Parish Council in pursuance of its role as sole trustee for the charitable trusts of Braishfield War Memorial and Braishfield Recreation Ground.
Public involvement in meetings
Meetings of the council are held in public.
Parishioners should note that there are legal restrictions on how the council makes decisions. On most topics, the council can discuss, but cannot resolve to take any action on a matter unless it is referred to on the published agenda for the meeting. If you have a matter that you wish to raise with the council, please contact us at any time rather than bringing it to a meeting. Many queries are straightforward and can be answered outside a meeting. We will advise you if the matter needs to be discussed by the council at a meeting, and it will be scheduled in to the next available meeting.
On matters included on the agenda, you can request to make a representation at the meeting during the “Public Participation” period. If you wish to do so, please talk to the Chairman before the meeting or email the Clerk ( in advance.
Annual Parish Assembly
Additionally, once a year there is an Annual Parish Assembly. This is typically held just before one of the regular parish council meetings, often in the spring. It is run by the Parish Council but is a community event and community groups can take part. If your group would like to take part in the next Annual Parish Assembly, please contact us at any time of year to ensure you are included on the agenda for the meeting.